Thursday, July 12, 2007

Without Lazy People, Everything would get Done but there wouldn't be New Stuff to do.

Just about any new invention or process is the result of Laziness. (This has nothing to do with Laztheism...) From the beginning, it was lazy people driving Humanity to the technological heights we've attained. The first person to use a hunting dog, the first person to yoke an oxen, the first person to figure out soap was easier to wash with than sand... The list is endless.

Unfortunately, there are lazy bullies, too. And that's where the advances in weaponry came from.

Sexually lazy people have made their contributions, too. Today we call it hedonism and most of us just pick and chose, as the mood hits us, which is the way lazy people do things. People who seem to be driven to practice hedonism aren't lazy.

Me, I'm intellectually lazy, which is useful when you need someone to explain to you why it's okay to stay in shape by doing bench presses in your mind. And maybe I've come full circle, maybe this is about Laztheism?


paperback reader said...

Give me convenience, or give me death.

And while you're up, get me some snack chips.

T said...

Hedonism - I just posted about this, but not quite the same as your example.

So, am I a Hedonistic Laztheist or a Laztheist with Hedonistic tendencies? -Or am I stealing all of your venturesome titles and goals?

Nessa said...

I'm a multi-tasker because I'm lazy. I do everything at once in 5 minutes and then have the rest of the day off.