Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hindu Cleric's U.S. Senate Prayer Shouted Down!!

The followers of Jesus Christ have struck another blow for the Second Commandment: they interrupted a Hindu cleric's official opening prayer in the U.S. Senate on Thursday, 7-12-07.

The prayer by the Hindu cleric was thought by the Senate Sub-Committee on Getting along with Everyone to be a good idea. And there was no trouble during the first few minutes of the prayer, when the Hindu holy man called on Brahma to bless the efforts of those assembled in the Senate Chambers. But then as the prayer dragged on, and the cleric was working his way down the cast of colorful characters who serve as the Hindu Godly Round Table, people began to fidget. After Brahma came Vishnu. Then Siva, followed by Saraswathi, and then Lakshmi and Parvathi, and Ganesha (Ganesha got some light applause, from Simpson's afficionados) and Muruga and Anjaneya. By the time, 44 minutes later, he got to Navagrahms, three people had begun bellowing from the Senate Gallery. They were escorted out of the gallery by Capitol police, but only two of them were arrested. The third simply had a bladder ready to burst, "...but that M/F Hindu shithead wouldn't stop, no matter how I called on Jesus to shut him up!"

We have a long way to go before we can all sit around the table of universal understanding and friendship. But take heart, there were a few people in the Senate who did not wax wroth at the Hindu holy man, but later some of this group groused about drooling on their paperwork.


Nessa said...

It would be hard to pay attention to so many Gods with such weirdly spelled names. No one should have to deal with that.

katrocket said...

"Ganesha got some light applause, from Simpson's afficionados"

ha ha!

je t'aime!

paperback reader said...

If religion is about Awareness, why aren't religious people Aware of how boring and crazy their religions are to everyone else? Religion should be like being a Freemason: denoted on a card in your wallet and a weekly to monthly get-to-gether, but otherwise never mentioned.

T said...

Prayers should last a maximum of two minutes. Anything longer should be handed out in a pamphlet and those that refuse the small instructional should be sent straight to hell.

-I just kid... kinda.

Mary Lois said...

Hey, why don't the Laztheists ever get a shot in the Senate Chambers?

Anonymous said...

Ms. Nibbles, paying attention is especially hard for the people we elect.

Kat'Dion, we have so much in common! I love me, too!

Pistolero, Religionists are only aware of how boring and crazy everyone else's religion is. It's one of the basic tenets of any organization, or Club, as we once discussed...

Big T, spoken like a truly open minded bigot. No wonder we get along so well. (I almost called at 1:45 today...)

Even-Handed Hope, Laztheists only pray after the fact, for forgiveness or for help getting away, or getting away with it.