Monday, July 16, 2007

Blogs You'd Probably Read, Based on the Titles

Here's the deal, take any one, two or more of these titles and write a sub-title on the "...or how I ..." principle. For instance, if there was a title, "Groin Pains," you could say, "...or one man's search for his Mother." Get it? Hint: you have to let go . . .

1. Waking Up Dickless

2. The Search for Nipple Ripple ice cream

3. Rumors of an Elastic Scholastic

4. Bacteria I've Loved

5. One Gay at a Time

6. Phishing & Pharting

7. When Life hands you Lemons, Acid Rain is overkill.

8. Fritos, Nachos and the Cisco Kid

9. Impersonal Sex with the One You Love

10. Wright writes rites, right? Wrong!

11. My Louisville Slugger After-Hours Club

12. With a Schlong in My Heart


paperback reader said...

I got this, because I'm underemployed and think I'm wittier than I am:

1. Waking Up Dickless, or Worst First Date Ever

2. The Search for Nipple Ripple ice cream, or How I Gave Myself Type II Diabetes

3. Rumors of an Elastic Scholastic, or How I Stretch the Limits of Your Patience

4. Bacteria I've Loved, and the Women Who Gave Them To Me

5. One Gay at a Time, or Why I Need A Cushioned Seat

6. Phishing & Pharting, or how Hooked on Phonics Ruined My Spelling

7. When Life hands you Lemons, Acid Rain is overkill, or How I Learned That It's A Steel Cage Death Match Between Me and Nature, And Nature's a Pussy

8. Fritos, Nachos and the Cisco Kid, or How I Like to Order My In N' Out Burger

9. Impersonal Sex with the One You Love, or How I Saved My Marriage

10. Wright writes rites, right? Wrong!, or How Much Can One Man Love Grammatical Puns?

11. My Louisville Slugger After-Hours Club, or How I'd Like To Deal With The World's Overabundance of Ugly People

12. With a Schlong in My Heart, or Seriously, ER Doc, This Is How It Happened

Bert Bananas said...

You should have lurked in the wings for a few hours so that other, more fully employed, could have taken a whack at it. But now that you have hit it this 'tater clean out of the park, no one wants to follow you.

katrocket said...

Agreed, Bert. Pistols is a tough act to follow, and not just because he smells bad. Number 4 is Award-winning for sure. He even managed to beat the resident unemployed blogger.

I misunderstood the assignment. I thought you wanted us to write a blog post on one of your topics. I've been writing for 3 hours, for no apparent reason. Sigh.

paperback reader said...

I'm sorry. I blame my morning hubris and a staunch refusal to do the hour of daily work I'm paid for. You can remove my comment so that other people can have a go at it.

Soooooo underutilized...

katrocket said...

Nay! 'Tis too fine a treasure to be buried forever! The pirate's comment stays, so says I.