Sunday, July 22, 2007

What's your Reality Show Idea?

Naturally my favorite Reality Show is about Golf and Sex. I won't bore you with the details. But the title is "...The 19th Hole." There is golf, there is mystery and there is sex. Sure, the golf part might not sound interesting, but you'd probably watch if the mystery and the sex were good.

But enough about my genius... They are announcing new Reality Shows for the fall. None has captured my fancy. Although TBN's show about a studio faking a reality show a studio that fakes a reality show does seem to have some promise.

Probably the next step in reality shows (which of course is integral in my show, "...The 19th Hole," is doing away with participants who WANT to be there. I have always hated that factor in the so called reality shows. I swear, I never wanted to be on Survivor or any other reality show. (I did at one time fantasize a lot about being on Gilligan's Island... Some day I'll relate the story of me working for Joe Wells, Dawn Wells father. He was the 'front man' for the mob, when they owned the Thunderbird Hotel in Las Vegas. What a kidder he was!) So anyway, the secret to great reality theater is to get people involved who don't want to be there! I believe there are ways to work around the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the 14th Amendment. There are always ways...

So let me hear your ideas. I promise I will NOT rip them off. Swear...


T said...

"Your Amputation Live".

Oh man...

paperback reader said...

"The Reality Viewer" - watching a guy watching reality TV. Isn't that the logical next step?

Bert Bananas said...

Pistolero, the BBC broke through the fart barrier some time ago.

katrocket said...

Not to brag, but my life would make an awesome reality TV show.