Thursday, July 26, 2007

What were his thoughts each night as he was falling asleep?

Dredging Drudge...

A bus driver in Poland kept trying to enter a contest, via text messages. But he was using a company issued cell phone, with a company rule that limited him to $5/month in usage. Here's the excerpt that captures this tale:

Leszek Wojcik, a bus driver in the northwestern Polish city of Slupsk, ran up a tab of some 94,000 zlotys ($34,000) with his text messages while trying to win a 100,000-zloty ($36,000) SMS contest

Now you have to figure that the first time he text-messaged an entry, he had it somehow justified. It was only .86 cents. But something happened and he couldn't stop himself. At some point he probably figured that he HAD to keep playing so he could win and pay that ever growing phone bill. If he knew when the billing cycle ended and thus when his phone bill would be received at headquarters, then those last couple of nights before B-Day were probably pretty ugly, from his point of view. How would you feel if you knew your life, as you knew it, was going to end on a date certain?


Jana said...

One of my late dad's favorite sayings was that if he knew the day and time of his death, he'd never go near the place. Well, he was there when it happened, sorry Dad. As for Leszek and his B-day, did you perchance mean D-day? or was it his B-day as in birthday and his getting fired on his b-day for running up a94,000 zlotys bill? Geez, what a grouchy boss!!!

paperback reader said...

I would love that, because I could then thumb my nose at all those pantywaisted Mafiosos who claim they're going to kill me for those debts I incurred betting on Bud Bowls I - VII.

Plus, if it was in the next decade, I'd quit my job after I saved enough to do nothing but eat cake for a year.

The Guv'ner said...

Well if I knew my life was going to END (not as I know it but for real) I'd be ok now that I know heaven will have pristine toilet facilities (thanks Kat).

Honestly though, phones should be taken away from people until they, a)learn to walk in a straight line while talking, b) learn to keep their trigger finger steady and c)till they graduate the seventh grade, or if you're in Poland: Dhe Szeventhsz Gradezs.