Monday, July 09, 2007

A Curious Story

Fred Thompson, whom I've never seen on TV, may soon officially join the race for his party's nomination for President of the United States. He appeals to Conservatives of the conservative party. And as such he has to be anti-abortion.

There is a story currently frothing on a soon to crash wave about Thompson having been hired by a family planning group to lobby the first Pres. Bush to overturn that Bush's rule that clinics that preached family planning (meaning abortion) could not receive Federal Money. Two people in the story I read recall crystal clear incidents involving his efforts in that lobbying. But a spokesman for Thompson, along with John Sununu, the man Thompson allegedly spent time lobbying, both deny that the lobbying took place.

Thompson hasn't spoken directly to the press, but wsa quoted by a spokesman as stating he had no recollection of he events portrayed. John Sununu spoke directly on the issue and said that Thompson did not do the lobbying described by members of the family planning group. The family planning group said that it had made payments to Thompson's law firm. But that law firm has yet to comment on whether or not they received this money. All this was back in 1991.

Supporters of Thompson say that he has public stated that seeing the sonogram of his daughter, who is now three, was a watershed event in his life and whatever his feelings were prior to that moment, with the viewing, they coalesced into his current fervid Pro-Life position, and that's all that should count.

As a former candidate for President, my opinion on this matter is as worthless as anyone elses. But just so there is no mistaking my position, I am pro-abortion. Not for any namby-pamby women's rights issues, but because there are just too freaking many humans on the I-405 Freeway in the mornings and afternoons.

Every few years we hear about one or another of the Channel Islands being overrun with goats or deer and the cry goes up that the herds need to be thinned. Well, the same goes for many areas of the Earth, in terms of the human herds overrunning those areas. It's not like there's any danger of the species becoming extinct! If anything, the danger is that we'll extinct ourselves more quickly at the current pace of breeding than if we began paying women to have abortions.

Hey, if you don't want to have an abortion, or didn't want your woman to abort the seed of your loins, I'm fine with that. But if it's not your seed, I don't think you or anyone should be allowed to offer an opinion to a woman looking to kill, murder, butcher, etc., her fetus. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

You know, if abortions were freely available, perhaps there would never be those icky partial-birth abortions.


paperback reader said...

I'm just not sure how this is a political issue, and much as I couldn't be both Catholic and female ("We can carry life, but not the Word to a congregation? F you, pope,"), I don't understand why women don't say, "Hey, Congress that's almost entirely composed of old white men, this doesn't seem like an issue you're really qualified to handle."

If family values are so important, how about letting that family determine what their values are? Plus, that just means even more competition for the best tee times.

T said...

So what you're saying is not everyone has a choice? I'm owned by my wife (just as my son and daughter were), so she can abort me? -I know there are times she would like to, but I won't give her that 'choice'.

I have no problem with 'choice', just as long as that fetus has one, -albeit it may take a few years for him or her to decide.

Bert Bananas said...

Well, we have the choice of deciding what to care about. Most of us are not Mother Teresa, we have a very finite ability to care.

It is possible to drown yourself in misery based on the conditions that some people live and die in. But most of us, for convenience sake, don't do that. It would be just as easy, especially for guys, to not think about all the abortions being 'committed' as it is not to think about what goes on in old folks "warehouses," long term convalescent homes and hospice centers.

Here's a silly sentence: Abortions are a fact of life.

I knew a devout Catholic who was staunchly Republican. She used to light candles for Ronald Reagan. She got pregnant and the practicalities of her life left her, she said/rationalized, with no choice but to execute her child. Which she did. A few years later she went to Rome and got to see the Pope live and in person at a midnight mass, two drink minimum.

paperback reader said...

I'd say that women can own babies, since we kept them from voting and owning property for so long. Plus, they're the ones who have to carry the damn kid and then raise it, because we're just not that good at most things and that secretary at work isn't going to bang herself.

It's funny - I view "the fetus has a choice, too" as whiny liberal "let's include everybody, guys" talk, when it is in fact whiny conservative talk. Have you ever tried talking to a kid when they're 10? They're borderline retarded, and would elect a Pokemon as the next President. Trust me, we're not losing anything.

My argument to Congress would be: Are you going to take care of the kid? No? Then why are you involved in the conversation? How about getting me some affordable health insurance instead of preaching to me like a minister in a church I don't go to?

Nessa said...

I am pro-life: I am all for all anti-abortion supports to support the lives already here. Oh, gosh, sorry, then they'd be Democrats.

Chris the Hippie said...

It's a sticky pickle, ain't it. (Or is that what got us all into this mess in the first place?)