Monday, July 23, 2007

Preempting Global Warming: a new scheme for Albert Gore, Jr.

But first, three caveats:

1. I did better in school than Al Gore.
2. I don't 'believe' in Global Warming. I do believe in Climate Change.
3. I enjoy a good scam as much as the next guy.

If man-caused Global Warming exists, buying Carbon Offsets only attempts to mitigate the excessive CO2 production the purchaser has just made. Al has to teach us to Preempt Global Warming by buying Carbon Offsets before we produce more CO2. He's got to convince as many as he can that if enough Carbon Offsets are purchased, Global Cooling can be produced and the Human Race will have been saved!

A lot is being said and written about whether Al Gore will run for President. Commentators on both sides make good points. Here's a point I haven't seen expressed: Within the personal memories of the majority of the world, no Presidential administration has ended with a standing ovation. Al knows that any administration he headed would suffer the same fate; ruling America is just a popularity contest that no one will ever win again. President Albert Gore, Jr. doesn't have the same ring to it that Savior of the Human Race Albert Gore, Jr. does.

I think that he sees this simple comparison and is going for it.


paperback reader said...

Plus, being President would cut into the four hours a day he's been spending at the buffet, consuming more than his fair share of natural resources.

T said...

Not even God himself would be a popular president for this country. And since we know there isn't a God, then it obviously would mean Satan is pretending to be God in His stead. Such perfect trickery might lead to a popular president.

Hmmm, Savior Albert Gore, Jr.?

Incognito said...

No God T? So how come you cap? Just in case.. :-)

No idea why anyone would want to be Prez!!

T said...

Inco - In ref' to our dear Laztheist whom is in charge of this delightful post-city of knowledge, we respectfully hang-on to what he holds dear,--and lets go of: God.

Bert Bananas said...

...lets go of...


...let's go of...

I lay awake nights seeing stuff like this in my mind and wondering what it all means.

...wondering what it all means...

...wondering what it all ways and means...

Someday I'll have my own telethon.