Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Avoiding Alternate Universes

Many of us are naturals at this.

I'm not trying to pass judgment on alternate universes. I'm simply pointing out a tried and true way to avoid them.

An alternate universe is created every time you take action. So right away you can see where this is going.

Suppose I'm on the third hole at Hesperia and there's hardly any wind. I've been getting puffed up in my pride and I decide that I'm going to mash down on a five iron instead of simply hitting a full four iron. And my ball goes into the water. When I pulled the five iron out of my bag, an alternate universe was created, wherein I pulled out the normal four iron. In that universe, I landed just right of the green, pin high and I chipped it close and made the par putt. Compare that with what's happening in the 'real' universe, where I took a drop, with a new ball, and chunked it into the water, beyond the reach of my ball retriever. Now I'm pissed. I drop another ball and hit it too hard and it goes across the green and out into the street. By the time I'm finished, there are two groups waiting on the tee and I'm writing "14" on my card.

So here's the secret to life and to avoiding alternate universes: Don't do things differently!

Thank you and good day.


T said...

Man, I hope you are foreseeing the future of tomorrow morning, but I'm still not giving you strokes.

New show: "When Alternate Universes Become Reality". It could be a show about results... -or nothing.

paperback reader said...

I've often thought that the best afterlife I can think of would be the option to relive your life and pursue all these alternative universes. It'd be an afterlife full of focusing on the minutae of everyone's favorite topic: themselves. In this case, you can see how different your life would be without the hubris of your club selection, how writing "7" on that particular hole could change your life forever.

Nessa said...

Ruts Rule!