Sunday, July 29, 2007

Six Strips of Bacon on a double decker Wendy Burger

This is insanity! Serious, serious insanity!

It's just as insane as a denatured tofu burger on unleavened bread.

Tonight's best line from The Simpsons: "How come all the things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?"

But back to the insanity of six strips of bacon on a double decker Wendy Burger: if I hear of any of you buying and consuming one of these, I will mock you with the cruelty normally reserved for panty-less mock divas. But this threat only works as long as responsible women keep their panties on. Our way of life could go down the toilet if Opray should take to going out panty-less.


paperback reader said...

You wanted eight? I fully support the baconification of America's burgers, and since I've given up on living another decade, I may well change my lunch plans from "eat a lot" to "eat a lot of Wendy's bacon burgers."

katrocket said...

The thought of panty-less Oprah has ruined my appetite for the next several weeks, so I do not predict any bacon burgers in my future.

T said...

I wonder if I can get a date with Paris, Lindsey or Britney (hopefully all three) and take them to Wendy's for a Double-Double Decker Wendy Bacon Burger. Talk about a lot of munchin'!

Chris the Hippie said...

I like bacon. Or, more specifically, bacon peanut-butter mayonaisse sandwiches on toast. My oh my that's good stuff...

But I'd never waste a good piece of bacon on a Wendy's burger.

Leonesse said...

Bert, you have given Pistols multiples on this one. We won't tell him that they use the thinnest, crappiest, bacon-flavored wax paper they can find.

I want real bacon, the thick, peppered, melt in your.. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I can barely stand the thought of it.