Thursday, July 12, 2007

There is no Bottom to this Pit . . .

"Draft Al Gore" for president

A Draft Al Gore group delivered the former vice president more than 100,000 signatures on a petition urging him to mount a White House bid. Draft Gore organizers brought the list of Gore fans to the Democrat's Nashville office yesterday morning, and called the number a "major milestone." "This enormous outpouring of support for Al Gore is testimony both to his enduring appeal among the grassroots and to the dissatisfaction of the Democratic base with the current crop of declared candidates," said Monica Friedlander, chairman of the draft effort, which has been spotted here and in New Hampshire, New York, Iowa and California.

The group also is running radio ads to persuade Gore to jump in the race.

There's nothing I can say about the movement to draft Al Gore, assuming that we're talking a NASCAR racing strategy. But they're not, so I can speak. And here's what I'm speaking:

Al Gore is a politician. He desperately wants to be President. He's out of politics, leave him there. I could be dead before the next President finishes two terms, so if it's going to be a Democrat, make it one who isn't so goddam dumb, okay?

And what radio station(s) are they advertising on? Have they checked his SUV to see what stations he listens too? Paying money to a radio station in hopes that Gore will hear their ad? Why not just email him a .wav file? His fans deserve him...


Nessa said...

Maybe Al didn't hear the ads because he didn't pay his huge electric bill and he was shut off and his backup batteries failed (not that he's use them because they are bad for landfills) and his solar panels were out being cleaned.

paperback reader said...

When a nation turns its lonely eyes to Al Gore, you can tell how much the other candidates must suck.

Mary Lois said...

Yeah, but we all can see that the real charismatic character on the political horizon is Fred Thompson!