Thursday, June 29, 2006


Musings on a Recent Invention

What's your best guess on how long morality has existed? My guess is 5,279 years. If I'm right, what existed before then?

What existed before the invention of morality is exactly what exists now, but we are increasingly able to talk about it in ever larger groups.

Basically speaking, you, sitting there in your tank top, cut-0ffs and flip-flops, are physically capable of doing each and every "immoral" act your culture taught you not to do. All 'morality' is is the concept that you shouldn't do "it," no matter how easy "it" is to do. But then all of us do one, two or a large number of 'immoral' things. Why? Because it's what the human race has evolved to do, lo these roughly 180,000 years since Lucy Leakey lived. We're bred to do all these immoral acts, and we're trying to say that simply by thinking 'pure' thoughts, we won't do them. Which, or course, is why prostitution, gambling and illegal drugs would be wonderful investments if they were traded on the NY Stock Exchange. Oh, wait, they are! You can buy stock in Nevada casinos!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Summer of my Dis Content

Words as Toys!

Besides being weapons of mass destruction, instruments of healing and conveyors of truth and beauty, words can also be a lot of fun to play with.

Ever felt you were dissed? "I've been dissed!" My parents would have had no idea what this meant. If you have a rough summer, being a dissed a lot, if you keep track of it all, you will be able to one day look back at that Summer of Dis Content.

Go ahead, let the soft bubbling laughter flow...

I'm very adept at playing with words. I've made people laugh in more than just a few decades. I'm a lucky guy. If you watch the Discovery Channels enough, you'll agree with me. I've never once HAD to kill in order to eat.

How do you pronounce Quixotic? And have you ever seen it spelled quijotic? Just wondering...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Global Warming

Boobs can be global in shape, but that's not what this is about.

Global warming. Caused by carbon dioxide. Plants "breathe" in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. Animals breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Nice equation, great synergy.

There are studies that suggest that if this apparently very synergistic equation gets out of whack, bad things happen. If there were a build up of oxygen, things would catch fire too easily. Which would heat things up. If there is a carbon dioxide built up, things won't catch fire, but the world still heats up.

There is a vocal minority currently engaged in screaming warnings about global warming due to a carbon dioxide build up. They are exhaling carbon dioxide at an accelerated rate. Have you noticed any one of them traveling by bicycle or sail boat? Me, either.

Let's say that global warming exists and that humanity is causing it: "Global warming exists! And humanity is causing it!!!!" All humanity has to do to correct the problem is stop breathing. It's a foolproof plan. I would very much like the global warming chicken littles to adopt this plan and put it into action.

The more reflective among you will have long ago figured out that humanity is not going to change. For every enlightened Hollywood celebrity who buys an electric car, there are 200,000 Chinese and Indian sub-continent dwellers buying motor bikes, motorcycles, vans, trucks and cars. The rate at which Humanity is turning oxygen into carbon dioxide is going to continue to rise, as the population rises and the standard of living rises amongst those population most adept at procreation.

In other words, forget solving global warming and learn how to make a buck dealing with its inevitability.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I Care...

No I don't...

The essential opening scene of the animated feature, Antz, starring the voice and personality of Woody Allen, has Woody's ant, Z, on his psychiatrist's couch, doing a wonderful send-up of the basicl neurotic Woody Allen personality. He's kevetching up a storm and final concludes that amongst the millions and millions of workers in the nest, he feels insignificant.

The psychiatrist interrupts to congratulate him on his break-through! Woody does an animated double take... Break-through? he asks.

"Yes," says the psychiatrist, "because you've grasped the essence of your existence, you ARE insignificant!"

Naturally the rest of the very entertaining movie is Woody being significant.

Which all of us think we're doing too, being significant. That's what Popular Culture is all about, making you think you're significant. Get a tattoo, get a piercing, smoke something exotic, drive something that doesn't look like all the other wheeled vehicles on the streets... On and on it goes. Labeled clothes, perfumes, jewelry, hair styles, vocal styles, physical affectations...

But in the end you only really matter to yourself and, if you're lucky, one other person who isn't your mother. And if you do it right, it's enough.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Don't Cry for me, Rigatonni...

All of us have people we don't like. And events we don't like. Even non-events can sometimes upset us, like when I think I'm getting sex, but I don't.

My point being that probably no one with an adult mentality, alive today, doesn't know the churning, bothersome emotion of 'dislike.' And people let it escalate all the way to hatred. Hatred isn't something I can really comment on because I'm not capable of the kind of sustained effort necessary to maintain hatred. Hatred is very hard work and I avoid hard work at all costs.

So who do you dislike? Yeah, I hate her, too. But what're ya going do; there are so many idiots who think her poop don't smell. Luckily you and I know different.

Have you noticed that the easiest people to dislike are the ones who think they know what's best for you? I noticed that a long time ago. It could possibly be one of the defining moments of our humanity, when you, as a child, realize your parents, in fact pretty much all the adults with power over you, are full of crap when it comes to preparing you to become one of them.

Becoming an enlightened adult is hard because the possibilities for loneliness are increased with each step of enlightenment. And there's no prize for acheiving it; the only satisfaction is what you yourself get to feel. Anyone else who acheives that enlightenment knows that there's no point to discussing; it's wasted effort because either you know about it or you'll never know about.

Boo who? Boo whom? Whomever deserves it.

Monday, June 19, 2006

The Worm Turnth

Or how a game show was lost

Statistics prove nothing. Swords and guns prove things. Statistics may show trends, bullets show results.

I mention this because Iraq, as a cup, overfloweth. You know what we're REALLY accomplishing in Iraq? Experience. We've elevated squad after platoon after brigade after regiment after division to new heights of artisanship in maiming and killing! We must be the envy of all the other armies who have to be satisfied with pretending to kill an enemy. American armed forces are doing the real thing, daily.

Mark my words, we're going to rely on this quality killing ability sometime in the future. We don't have to worry about the rule of 'use it or lose it." Our boys, and girls, are definitely 'using it' and I for one sleep better nights knowing that anyone desirous of my death solely because of my nationality can't be as hopeful about accomplishing it because of our magnificent standing army. And Navy, Air Force & Marines. Oh, yeah, the Coast Guard, too. HooYah!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

We Revisit Katie Couric

Has she really paid for herself?

Here's a quote from Katie's boss, Les Moonvies: "Katie probably paid for herself in the first week of our upfront ... (sales to advertisers). We brought in about $15 million more for the Early Evening News (sic) in the first week. ... She will be one of the best bargains. I've already made my money back. There aren't too many Katies."

But how can that be? How can CBS sell more ad time for one show? They only have X number of ad minutes. And they've always sold those. The only way this can be true is if the price being paid is being jacked up and advertisers are paying a total of $15 million MORE than was being paid before. That would work out to about $2 million more a minute, assuming 7 ad minutes per 30 minute block.

Which does return me to my original point: Who is really paying for Katie?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Regrets? I've had my share . . .

Nobody Gets a Free Pass

You know how you're sitting there, avoiding work, and suddenly you're day dreaming? Well, I can't share the day dreams, but I can tell you about a secondary thought that came in on the heels of a day dream. The secondary thought was, "...what would you do if you had a fatal illness and were told you only had a short time left to live?"

One response clings to me: So what? No matter how old you are, you don't really know how long you're going to be alive. Just because some doctor says "you won't see Christmas" doesn't mean you know exactly when you're going to die.

But I digress... One thing about being told you're about to die is that people will walk up to you and express sympathy. If you give them a chance, they'll sure ask, "With your death eminment, do you have any regrets?"

But heck! Who doesn't have regrets? See? There is no one who isn't harboring a regret or two. No matter how great you think you have it, you have regrets.

So anyway, go easy on the sympathy. Weak people, people with no ambition, maybe they need it. But you probably don't do well with sympathy. Give me a laugh anytime. Even when I'm dying.

Regrets? I've had my share . . .

Nobody Gets a Free Pass

You know how you're sitting there, avoiding work, and suddenly you're day dreaming? Well, I can't share the day dreams, but I can tell you about a secondary thought that came in on the heels of a day dream. The secondary thought was, "...what would you do if you had a fatal illness and were told you only had a short time left to live?"

One response clings to me: So what? No matter how old you are, you don't really know how long you're going to be alive. Just because some doctor says "you won't see Christmas" doesn't mean you know exactly when you're going to die.

But I digress... One thing about being told you're about to die is that people will walk up to you and express sympathy. If you give them a chance, they'll sure ask, "With your death eminment, do you have any regrets?"

But heck! Who doesn't have regrets? See? There is no one who isn't harboring a regret or two. No matter how great you think you have it, you have regrets.

So anyway, go easy on the sympathy. Weak people, people with no ambition, maybe they need it. But you probably don't do well with sympathy. Give me a laugh anytime. Even when I'm dying.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Surprise me!

An actual conversation:

The office manager took off early to go to the 'closing' on her burial plot. She described the peaceful setting and how in touring the cemetary (have you noticed that "graveyard" doesn't get much play in the sales literature?) she found that there was a section of the graveyard for her particular religion.

I mentioned this to my wife and then asked her where she wanted to be buried. Her response was, "Surprise me!"

Thursday, June 08, 2006

What are they thinkng?

Two Examples of Rampant Stupidity

First example: quite a few people are going to make money off photos of the Brad Pitt - Angela Jolie baby. This situation exists because there are IDIOTS who will pay money to purchase magazines featuring the photos. What would be funny is if they printed the wrong baby's photo. But who would know it? And would it, ultimately, make any difference? If the morons who NEED to look at the baby are shown the wrong baby's photo, and then are told on their deathbeds, "Hey, 30 years ago you were duped and shown a baby's photo that you thought was of Shiloh Arm Pitt. It wasn't. How do you feel now?" Like they'll care...

The second example of glorious ignorance: In LA County's election on Tuesday 28 Superior Court judges were up for reelection. Of the 28, only two were rated "Awesome" by local bar associations. One of them was beaten by a deli owner who hadn't practiced law for years and had just reactivated her State Bar membership. She out-spent the judge during the campaign. But the acknowledged basis for the upset: People looked at the names and picked Lynne Diane Olson over Dzintra Janavs, despite Janavs' credentials, and her 20 years on the bench. The deli owner will now be sitting as a traffic court judge. Maybe she can collect Shiloh Arm Pitt baby photos?

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Stay Off My Island!!

You don't even know when you're being insulted!

I was flipping with the remote this afternoon, after golf was over, and finally settled on watching (for the 20th time?) Bruce Willis in The 5th Element. But before I got there, I spent about 20 seconds watching "Stranded with a Star: Who would you Choose?"

There are no stars on the program. Just cool looking young people offering opinions about who they'd want to spend a few days with on a deserted island. I heard one vixen say that she heard that one star in question didn't use a deodorant. So then a number of other vixens said "eww" and "yech" and other important observations. Except for one nubile repository of grace and wisdon, who said, "I'd do him anyway he's so cute!" So I started clicking again until I found Bruce.

So say you WERE sent to a deserted island and could take one person, any person... Are you so shallow, is your life so barren, that you would resort to picking someone based on the image he or she worked ever so hard to create? I think you'd have to be such a loser to isolate yourself with a star!

Now that would be a 'reality show' worth watching!! You, a tubby, flabby, nose-picking web-surfer, on a deserted island with the deified sex-object of your desire. Oh, wait... It wouldn't be worth watching, unless we wanted to see nothing but episodes of you kissing up to the 'star' and nodding your head at the idiocy uttered by the star.

I believe there is a significant difference between having a dream and day dreaming. That show is all about day dreaming. Right now our culture has a premium on day dreams and day dreaming. Day dreams are easier to market to. Just check your medicine cabinet and your garage.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Golf: An Apology

It's not for everyone, because not everyone is honorable.

Seriously, golf should be played for "Fun," just as long as "fun" means disappointment and pain, tempered with the occasional pure bliss of doing something right.

Which, if you can stand back far enough, defines being alive. And the farther back you have to stand to see this, the less likely you are to enjoy life, much less golf.

Golf has good breaks and bad breaks. Some times you win, some times you lose. Some times you just sort of break even and you could have spent the day in bed and not seen any difference.

Golf is. Life is. The latter encapsulates the former, but the former helps you comprehend, understand and even appreciate the latter more. Not that Life cares one way or the other if you appreciate it or not. But it's my view that if you can do something better than others are doing it, you should.

Thank you for listening.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Katie Couric for a Day!!

If you could be Katie Couric for a day, when it's a day after she starts reading the evening news to those who like perky stuff, you would earn $41,096 for that day. Except during leap years, when your daily dole would drop to $40,984.

Katie is worth every penny. This can be proven by simply noting that it's what CBS is paying her. Case closed on that issue.

Ever think about where the money comes from? CBS has to accumulate the money somewhere, and they have to take in a WHOLE lot more than $41,096 every day. How much more would probably blow my exhaust manifold...

How much of it comes out of your pocket? I can safely assure you that very little of it comes out of my pocket. I don't watch CBS except for golf. I'm glued to the set during the Masters weekend. But I haven't bought a Buick, a Cadillac or invested one dime in any of the acronym money handlers who advertise during golf presentations. I'm playing with a set of 1988 Hogan irons I got on Ebay and my driver and utility woods are all second hand. I don't drink beer, except for that admittedly cheap swill that Costco sells by the 36 pack, Sharps. (It's not even beer; beer soda is what it really is.)

Luckily for us human beings, wild preposterous facts and events like being paid $41,096 to sit at a desk and read a teleprompter, don't boggle our minds. We can handle these vagaries of existence. But I am serious when I say that I take pride in getting my news not from Katie, but from a number of disparate websites. I pick and chose what to read, following up on some trails, stopping and retreating on others. I do NOT sit and stare at a perky White girl trying to sound like she cares. If you get off on that, tear up any party invitations you might get from me; you won't have a good time. Better you should sit home and think perky.