Thursday, June 29, 2006


Musings on a Recent Invention

What's your best guess on how long morality has existed? My guess is 5,279 years. If I'm right, what existed before then?

What existed before the invention of morality is exactly what exists now, but we are increasingly able to talk about it in ever larger groups.

Basically speaking, you, sitting there in your tank top, cut-0ffs and flip-flops, are physically capable of doing each and every "immoral" act your culture taught you not to do. All 'morality' is is the concept that you shouldn't do "it," no matter how easy "it" is to do. But then all of us do one, two or a large number of 'immoral' things. Why? Because it's what the human race has evolved to do, lo these roughly 180,000 years since Lucy Leakey lived. We're bred to do all these immoral acts, and we're trying to say that simply by thinking 'pure' thoughts, we won't do them. Which, or course, is why prostitution, gambling and illegal drugs would be wonderful investments if they were traded on the NY Stock Exchange. Oh, wait, they are! You can buy stock in Nevada casinos!!

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