Sunday, June 25, 2006

Global Warming

Boobs can be global in shape, but that's not what this is about.

Global warming. Caused by carbon dioxide. Plants "breathe" in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. Animals breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Nice equation, great synergy.

There are studies that suggest that if this apparently very synergistic equation gets out of whack, bad things happen. If there were a build up of oxygen, things would catch fire too easily. Which would heat things up. If there is a carbon dioxide built up, things won't catch fire, but the world still heats up.

There is a vocal minority currently engaged in screaming warnings about global warming due to a carbon dioxide build up. They are exhaling carbon dioxide at an accelerated rate. Have you noticed any one of them traveling by bicycle or sail boat? Me, either.

Let's say that global warming exists and that humanity is causing it: "Global warming exists! And humanity is causing it!!!!" All humanity has to do to correct the problem is stop breathing. It's a foolproof plan. I would very much like the global warming chicken littles to adopt this plan and put it into action.

The more reflective among you will have long ago figured out that humanity is not going to change. For every enlightened Hollywood celebrity who buys an electric car, there are 200,000 Chinese and Indian sub-continent dwellers buying motor bikes, motorcycles, vans, trucks and cars. The rate at which Humanity is turning oxygen into carbon dioxide is going to continue to rise, as the population rises and the standard of living rises amongst those population most adept at procreation.

In other words, forget solving global warming and learn how to make a buck dealing with its inevitability.

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