Monday, June 19, 2006

The Worm Turnth

Or how a game show was lost

Statistics prove nothing. Swords and guns prove things. Statistics may show trends, bullets show results.

I mention this because Iraq, as a cup, overfloweth. You know what we're REALLY accomplishing in Iraq? Experience. We've elevated squad after platoon after brigade after regiment after division to new heights of artisanship in maiming and killing! We must be the envy of all the other armies who have to be satisfied with pretending to kill an enemy. American armed forces are doing the real thing, daily.

Mark my words, we're going to rely on this quality killing ability sometime in the future. We don't have to worry about the rule of 'use it or lose it." Our boys, and girls, are definitely 'using it' and I for one sleep better nights knowing that anyone desirous of my death solely because of my nationality can't be as hopeful about accomplishing it because of our magnificent standing army. And Navy, Air Force & Marines. Oh, yeah, the Coast Guard, too. HooYah!

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