Thursday, June 08, 2006

What are they thinkng?

Two Examples of Rampant Stupidity

First example: quite a few people are going to make money off photos of the Brad Pitt - Angela Jolie baby. This situation exists because there are IDIOTS who will pay money to purchase magazines featuring the photos. What would be funny is if they printed the wrong baby's photo. But who would know it? And would it, ultimately, make any difference? If the morons who NEED to look at the baby are shown the wrong baby's photo, and then are told on their deathbeds, "Hey, 30 years ago you were duped and shown a baby's photo that you thought was of Shiloh Arm Pitt. It wasn't. How do you feel now?" Like they'll care...

The second example of glorious ignorance: In LA County's election on Tuesday 28 Superior Court judges were up for reelection. Of the 28, only two were rated "Awesome" by local bar associations. One of them was beaten by a deli owner who hadn't practiced law for years and had just reactivated her State Bar membership. She out-spent the judge during the campaign. But the acknowledged basis for the upset: People looked at the names and picked Lynne Diane Olson over Dzintra Janavs, despite Janavs' credentials, and her 20 years on the bench. The deli owner will now be sitting as a traffic court judge. Maybe she can collect Shiloh Arm Pitt baby photos?

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