Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Ultimate Bad Guy will be a Mute

If you're planning a career as an Evil Madman, or even just a Career Bad Guy, take my advice and rip out your voice box. Success in any endeavor is pretty much contingent on the brain power applied to said endeavor. You seldom see double digit IQ people achieving greatness or getting away with serious crimes.

But when you apply the necessary brains to a career in crime, or to doing Evil, it apparently becomes impossible to keep your mouth shut when confronting those opposing you. And when you open your mouth to boast, brag, elucidate or otherwise toot your own horn, the good guys win. You know this, you know this, but yet if you don't rip out your voice box, you'll eventually end up being defeated.

Rip out your voice box and preprint a list of your achievements and goals and leave it pinned to the bodies of your victims, the ones you shoot, stab, poison, irradiate, skin, skewer, etc.

Like most great plans, it is simple, yet elegant.

You're welcome.


paperback reader said...

Or, you could only evildo in a country whose primary language you don't speak.

T said...


Nessa said...

Man, I'm glad you told me before I put my evil plan into action.

Perhaps we can reinstate the calling card?

Leonesse said...

Damn it Nib, you beat me to it.