Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What is it about a Harem that keeps a guy coming back for more?

No, no, no, this is not a serious question.

The one thing about having a harem is that occasionally (in theory) you'll make love to one of your wives that you'd forgotten about and it's like the very first time again!

But can you imagine being rich enough to have a harem today, but not being able to find enough women dumb to accept such a life style?

But none of you are probably losing any sleep over this situation. I blame the Democrats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I kept reading the title of this post as 'What is it about Harlem that keeps a guy coming back for more?', and naturally thought "Well, the bosomically-endowed ladies in ghetto gear, of course!"

But then I realized I had misread something, and like all the other emails directing me to Viagra websites instead of Virginia websites, I had almost made a fool of myself once again.