Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Only Pistols has the Guts to be Real . . .

I can't tell you the exact date of publication for this particular Calvin & Hobbes week day strip. But I can tell you that it voices an elemental truth, which to our discredit and Pistol's credit, only he has the courage to continue to pursue:

HOBBES: I hate it when it's windy.

CALVIN: You know what I hate? I hate when I'm talking and someone turns the conversation to himself.

CALVIN: (next panel) It's so rude! Why do they think I'm talking? It's so they can hear about me! Who cares what they have to say! If I start a conversation it should stay on the subject of me!

HOBBES: (next panel) (amazed look)

CALVIN: (next panel) I also hate it when people look at me all bug-eyed.

HOBBES: That must happen a lot.

The truth HAS set Pistols free! Or at least, significantly discounted...

1 comment:

paperback reader said...

What can I say? I'm the only one with the true grit to pursue a line of thinking espoused by the funny pages. Thank God Rex Morgan, M.D. wasn't the strip I read that particular day.