Thursday, July 17, 2008

On Global Worming...

Dude! Like, on Drudge today there was a link to this some British scientist dude's remarks about global worming. The guys supposedly said, and like, I quote, "In the past 70 years the Sun was more active than at almost any other time in the past 11,400 years ... Mars, Jupiter, Neptune’s largest moon, and Pluto wormed at the same time as Earth."

Supposedly this British dude, who is a Lord, says that CO2 doesn't make for more earthworms. So global worming isn't caused by humanity! Which will be good news for fishermen everywhere if Al Gore stops messing with global worming.


paperback reader said...

Will global warming make fishing exciting? Because that's the real drawback to me.

Anonymous said...

Did you just discover a time machine Mr. B? Did you go back in time and become 14 year old Bert? Because if so, party on dude. Grown up language is like...bogus.

Since everyone is 'dude' to me, I have no cause to call anyone out on their crazy talk.