Thursday, July 31, 2008

Penis/foot-in-mouth disease...

This isn't to say that homosexuality is a disease. It most certainly is neither a disease nor a life style choice. But like heterosexuality, one thing homosexuality is at heart, is a rich vein of humor.

So with that in mind, here's another headline that Drudge pointed me to: "Oral arguments set in Sen. Craig sex-sting appeal"

Is that ridiculous or what?!

Number one, anyone who has seen a photo of Sen. Craig will agree, he has no sex-sting appeal.

Number two, you just know that gays in toilet stalls are not orally arguing; the fact is that they're in total agreement!

(ha ha! Did you get it, "number one" & "number two"? Who says you need fame or money to be funny?)

1 comment:

paperback reader said...

It is indeed a rich vein of humor, sir. As a man, and therefore someone with an 8-year-old's sense of humor, simply saying things like, "Oh, where are you vacationing? Man Francisco?" will always be funny to me.