Friday, July 18, 2008

Ebb & Flow

The tide is all about ebb and flow. So is the sex. There are probably other things that ebb and flow... I suppose one could make an argument for the mouth being in charge of ebb, while the other end of the torus would be in charge of flow. But this isn't strictly accurate, as any flu victim or frat boy already knows.

Why wasn't there a 60 duo named Eb & Flo. Or an 80s porno film by the same name...?

If there was a reality show about a restaurant called Ebanflough, what would they serve?

With regard to the torus reference: it's true, humans are mobile tori; we're like donuts with legs, and some of us have sprinkles or glaze or icing, etc. And a few of us are just plain cake.


Anonymous said...

Just plain cake?

I'm really ok with that....

paperback reader said...

What about the things that Hustle & Flow instead?