Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I have a question...


I've tried to research this via Google, et alia, but to no avail.

Here's the question:

If I had a lump of what I thought was pure gold, say the size of a extra large hen's egg, who could I sell it to (in other words, who buys gold in that quantity) and once I identified a possible buyer, what steps would that buyer take to be sure of what he was getting?

Yes, I've seen the ads on TV claiming to pay you for the old jewelry you send in via their postage paid envelope, and I suppose that they have somewhat the same problem, assessing the purity of the gold in order to set a price...

I need to know this for a homework assignment, so if one of you knows someone who knows someone, please post the answer. And don't worry, my report isn't due until the end of summer school.



Anonymous said...

A gold smith? Also any kind of antique jewler - there's a place here called Rocky's that buys/sells silver and gold.

katrocket said...

yes, I would agree with aliasmoi - any antique dealer, auction house, or goldsmith/jeweller should be able to assess your hen egg. Of course, the value would be directly affected by the desire and wealth of buyers on a particular auction day.

I should think that an expert witness jewelry appraiser could also help you.

good luck Bert