Tuesday, July 01, 2008

OOGLE, a play in one act. And you damn well know it's copyrighted!!

Oh man! I wrote a one act play, for a friend of Roby's, and it was short enough so that at least one person would have wasted the 7-1/2 minutes necessary to read it. The friend needs a bunch of one act plays and Roby told him that I'd rather write that work, so I took and hour and did the play.

But when I copied and pasted it from MS Word to here, it was all garbled up. There was an error message saying Blogspot couldn't handle all the html mark ups... or is that marks up? Let's see if the title at least survives...

a play in one act by
Bert Bananas

So if any of you are curious, I'll let you know when it's being staged and you can fly out to the coast, stay with Roby and he'll get you passes. If you don't own a cloak, you can rent one out here... I'll be signing autographs after the performance, or bussing tables, whichever seems likely to be the more profitable.


paperback reader said...

It sounds brilliant, but I only like plays that show topless women. I have hopes for this one.

katrocket said...

That Oogle business is a million dollar idea Bert - you should be guarding it with your wife.

i mean life.