Friday, July 04, 2008

Cherished Freedoms

A United States Senator who in his personal life would probably not have to obey the speed limit, is proposing a return to a national 55 mph speed limit.

He probably thinks that congress can pass such a bill. Dummy. Congress can't set a national speed limit. What they did last time was a pass legislation allowing the appropriate federal bureaucracy to withhold federal highway funds from any state that didn't impose the 55 mph speed limit. That's still a big stick, but there are now more States in the Union where woe betide the elected officials who support this attempt. But maybe the Greens will guilt us into it.

Will this attempt succeed? I haven't the slight idea. Wouldn't matter to me, anyway. I'll still go 70.

I think there's a bigger threat to America arising from the oil price rise: We're making it possible, through the transfer of wealth from Here to There, to make it possible for Islamic Fundamentalists to BUY America and financially brow beat us into, if not converting to Islam, to at least living by Islamic standards, Sharia Law. And if the money's good, why not? Especially if the consequence of refusal is starving to death.

It may boil down to being all about the Benjamins.


Anonymous said...

Have I mentioned that you're not right lately?

Jana said...

It's ALWAYS about the Benjamins my friend. First of course the U.S. has to find room for the Islamics to buy what of the US isn't already owned by the Japanese. Maybe there's some room around Manilla?

paperback reader said...

But what speed will Sammy Hagar be able to drive at?