Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hard Times

I didn't live through the great American Depression. (No, this isn't about the Grand Canyon.) But I did know people who did. They assure me that had I been alive during the Great Depression, I would have been poor.

So in a sense, it could be said that I have been preparing for this next Depression all my life, and EVEN BEFORE! (cue eerie music)

The thing about the new, improved Depression is that we're all so connected. Charities will be set up so that jobless, homeless people --called hobos & tramps in the prior Depression, but in the upcoming Depression they'll all be lumped into one big group, democrats-- can have access to the WWW, so we can blog the uniqueness of our poverty and destitution.

Am I certain that there is going to be a new, improved Great Depression? No, I'm seldom entertain fits of certainty any more. But besides the general cyclical nature of economies, I believe we have religious overtones, in that key players in the global economy think it's for the general improvement of the state of humankind, that America, and Americans, be humbled.

What if a new oil company began doing business in America, and issued credit cards that had to be validated weekly at your local mosque, and when properly validated allowed you to buy unleaded regular and diesel for 99 cents a gallon. I think there's a good chance that a great big segment of the population would become Muslim, if name only. It would be like a reverse Inquisition. And it won't be too long before the Islamic faction of OPEC will be able to afford such an economic coup.

Allah Akbar may soon come to mean, "fill up on #3, please, and 40 bucks cash back."

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