Sunday, August 03, 2008

Which is better/worse, Tolerance or Intolerance?

Personally, I don't have an answer. See, I don't have a horse in this race. There are things I tolerate and there are things I refuse to tolerate. I have my mind made up on these issues. But here's the thing: I made these decisions all on my own. Neither my parents nor any religion pre-programed me one way or another. At least not that I can decipher

Way back in the 1930s, Roman Catholic apologist Bishop Fulton J. Sheen said that the world was suffering because too many people were becoming tolerant of things that Ghawd said should not be tolerated. He was full of it.

Oh sure, I know things would be a lot easier if theists had absolute control; we'd all march to the same drum. And maybe we'd even be happier? We'd be be sheep, but if the meadows we grazed in were verdant, and our predators were kept in check, and we didn't know anything else, who'd be bleating?

But until Los Muslimistas take over, becoming a sheep is entirely voluntary. I've asked myself, who voluntarily gives control of his life to someone else? I have plenty of facetious answers, but since it's not a test, my answers aren't being graded.

The best thing you can do until Los Muslimistas take over is double-check the things about which you are intolerant; ask yourself, "Is this hatred really necessary?" Another important question would be, "Could I get laid more if I weren't so blatantly intolerant about __________?"

But then expressing tolerance towards child rapists and starvation in Darfur is hardly likely to ensure the continuation of your seed. Yes, it's easy to point to the extremes on either side of the continuum. But it doesn't take away from my point: it's more important to get laid than to voice opinions about things that don't really effect you.

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