Monday, August 11, 2008

The Hunt for Bed October

... or How I prostated myself for money.

Yes, people do prostate themselves. Well, male people do. But you have to be able to trip the lithe fantastic.

I'm killing time until "The Big Bang Theory" starts at 8:00 p.m. PDT, on CBS. Yes, I know I've said I don't like things that are scripted, but this sit-com really is different. Okay, the only difference is that the characters are mainly geniuses. (The female lead has genius boobs.) I could go on but I don't want you to get your hopes up all that high. It is, after all, just a series of commercials interrupted by a 21 minute story.


paperback reader said...

My hopes are as high as her boobs.

Leonesse said...

I think you have CBS mixed up with a pay channel.