Thursday, August 21, 2008

What's the One Thing in the World you don't want ANYONE to know!!

Seriously, you're probably harboring a memory of something you said or did (actually, 'said' would fit under 'did' but you good meter improves the reading experience) so horrific, so damning, that you'd pay a decent amount of blackmail to keep others from knowing about it.

Well, I'd like to know about it. Not because I want to blackmail you! I'm way to lazy and lack ambition; not bragging, just stating a fact.

So let it out!

Here, I'll lead off, because my batting average is .388 and I'm leading the league in stolen bases:

When I was 13 I stole a dry cleaning van and drove to the Las Vegas Strip, a distance of about four miles; I was living in Las Vegas at the time. I drove into valet parking at the old Thunderbird Hotel and left the van idling there and walked down to the Sahara where I caught the bus to 5th & Bonanza and walked six blocks home. (Years later 5th St. was renamed Las Vegas Blvd., but not for any reason related to this story.) There wasn't anything in the paper the next morning, but the following morning there were HUGE stories in both the Sun and the R-J about "Dry Cleaner's Van Left Idling in Valet Parking Area of Thunderbird Hotel!!" The story said the police had finger prints.

Because those fingerprints are still sitting there, with some cold case detective waiting to match them up one day, I have never allowed my fingerprints to be taken. It hasn't been easy being me...f

Okay, you're turn!


Anonymous said...

I sold vaccuum cleaners door to door when I was 18.

True story!

Leonesse said...

I have NO IDEA where this thought came from, but upon learning that my loser, druggie, thieving from his own mother, scumbucket, hit on me when my husband wasn't at home - brother-in-law (now ex) was possibly going to jail, the statement "Maybe taking it in the butt a few times will straighten him up" popped out of my mouth in front of his family.

Then I heard the blood rushing through my ears in pure, abject horror.

Leonesse said...

Is that bad enough for you?

vq said...

It's so sordid that I will NEVER tell.

Anonymous said...

A sordid flavors?

katrocket said...

I think the damning and horrific-ness of the deed would depend on your audience. For example, I don't mind telling you that I was a phone sex operator for 2 years so I could pay for college, but I would never let my father hear about it.