Sunday, August 17, 2008

Advanced Poemetry Distills the Olympics

Measured hics of a liquor’s stain touch my pulse,

But I’ve only been drinking since noon - of 1978;

The windows glaze at you with eyes of mercy.

Thirty years and you never checked the air

In the tires of my love and now the steel belt

Is showing through the rubber of my soul.

Paraguay and Uruguay still mean nothing.

The rent is due. Then you walk into the room

And I can’t breathe. Nature abhors a vacuum.

Full circle, four square, three on a match,

Two to get ready, won… No, I lost. You…

My ice screams shiver a fevered brow.

Then I awake, to find you warm and near,

Just like Emily, wherever I may find her…

But not the I - me, the he - me, Art Garfunkel.

Fishing with an internet, a site for soar ayes!

Gritty homonyms give no quarter. But as the ladies

Are all saying, whatever Phelps you through the night.


vq said...

Haunting. Powerful. Emotionally wrenching.

Bert Bananas said...

Yes, I bared my soul. Or as Mrs. LK would say, I beered my soul...

Leonesse said...

Is that permission?! Sweet. I am going to go Beering my soul right now! Beer right back.

Leonesse said...

Damn. That's some good stuff right there.