Wednesday, August 13, 2008

B.C. Pills Cause Women to Choose the Wrong Guys!!

Certainly Pistols will take heart in this theory being put forth by British scientists, that birth control pills 'skew' women's ability to choose the right mates.

The theory goes that women have evolved the ability to 'sense' a good biological match, in terms of who should father their children. Birth Control pills have messed with this ability and so women aren't making 'good' choices! So they start humping with the wrong guys and things don't work out and they drop that 'wrong' guy, but then just end up with another 'wrong' guy!

Wrong guys have never had it better.

The consensus of the scientists is that women should stop taking B.C. pills until they get their 'sense' of mating back. The condom manufacturers who sponsored this scientific inquiry have stated that they are totally shocked and surprised by the results of the study...


Anonymous said...

Makes sense that women who now have nothing to lose will be less discriminating.

In other news, DNA paternity tests still haven't stopped men from screwing anything that moves.

Leonesse said...

So BC Pills are the same as Beer Goggles?

vq said...

You take a BC Powder and you come back STRONG.

paperback reader said...

Everything I have worked toward is ruined. All I can do is hope that no one listens to the British, which is a pretty safe hope, really. If their bands never catch on over here, why should their medical studies?

d said...

My 'sense' of mating is just fine.

I pick the hottest guy I can find at a bar that will pay for my PBR tall cans, talk to me about Proust and liberally pepper our conversation with cheesy puns.

I am also, incidentally, on the pill. Interesting.