Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Amateurs Rule!

A guy who writes a column and is paid for it said something today that tickled my fancy ... ass. I'm going to paraphrase him so as to make it more palatable to the urban tongue. That's you guys, hip urban tongues.

If an ordinary citizen could order a book from Amazon, read it and then successfully take out a loved one's appendix, we probably wouldn't have much respect for surgeons.

But if an ordinary citizen gets a book from Amazon, reads it and then home-schools her kids and they win spelling bees and get into good colleges, we hire more school teachers and school administrators, increase their pay, raise even more money for schools via bonds and taxes and just generally wring our hands in despair that we can't get a certain segment of school age kids to be interested in school.

So what do amateur school teachers know or do that professional school teachers don't know or don't do?


Anonymous said...

They know what it feels like to have sex at least once.

paperback reader said...

They know that the only hope for our children is to know the perils of believing in evolution.

vq said...

Ha, Pistols! You made me snort!

Anonymous said...

They know that each child is a unique individual that cannot fit into a cookie cutter mold that they try to force children into in public schools.

Leonesse said...

Blogger ate my comment.