Friday, August 15, 2008

Ultimately, Some Things Do Matter ...

But it's unlikely I'd spend time thinking about them.

Like right now for instance...

If John McCain and Barak Obama waltzed together, who would lead?

If I go on an abstinence binge, can I OD on it?

How horny is Casey Anthony going to be when she finally gets out on bail?

How much would you pay to see a paint ball battle between Reille Hunter and Elizabeth Edwards? Who would BabyDaddy Edwards be rooting for?

How much would it cost me to get a program on my local cable access channel? How much more if it were tasteful?

There's more, but Nancy Grace has breaking news!


Dr Zibbs said...

I give this chick 5 months till we see her in playboy

vq said...

Gawd. I hope not.

Leonesse said...

Willing to give up a shot at the vice presidency for a little bit o' that honey. Men are strange creatures.