Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Naked Picture

At some point in time a tiny portion of the world's population will finally be able to sit in front of its HDTV and watch the Showtime or HBO presentation of THE BILL & HILL STORY.

I just hope that when the time comes it's with full frontal nudity. Especially their college years... Oh, yeah, and Bill's years between age 14 and, oh... about 70. Talk about a legacy!

How many years into the marriage do you think Bill finally learned to tune her out? I'm guessing he hasn't really heard a word she's said since three days into the honeymoon. Well, that's how I'd write his character... See, I'm all for gritty realism.


Anonymous said...

I bet the only thing he listened to her say in a long time was "I'm starting my own career in politics" because that meant he had to occasionally nod and stuff.

paperback reader said...

People mock their marriage, but I wouldn't listen to a word my wife said either. Or says. Maybe I got married and don't even know it.

Anonymous said...

She's always yelling. Every time she opens her mouth she yells. She and Billy Mays should be shipped off to a desolate distant island somewhere far from civilization where they can yell all day to their heart's content and no one has to hear them.

Leonesse said...

Is Billy Mays that Gazelle dude? Man is he annoying. At least when Hills is on our tv, we can change the channel. Poor Bill.