Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hey, I gotcher Nuance righ' here ...

Nuance: ˈnü-ˌän(t)s, Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Middle French, shade of color, from nuer to make shades of color, from nue cloud, from Latin nubes; perhaps akin to Welsh nudd mist
Dates to 1781

1 : a subtle distinction or variation
2 : a subtle quality : nicety
3 : sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value)
4 : a software company, most noted for Dragon NaturalSpeaking
5 : a Norwegian perfume famous for it's sexy cod fragrance
6 : a theater on Santa Monica Blvd., in WLA, famous for spelling nuance without the 'nce' and substituting 'rt' instead, which is only the beginning of their pretentiousness

McCain is blunt and in your face; things are black or white. Obama has nuance, things have layers, there are considerations to be made, he smells like cod.

Okay, the last four words were totally uncalled for, a cheap shot. But this is how America practices its politics.

You know how cops have to go to the range to keep in practice and the SWAT cops have these complicated exercises? Yeah, me too.

We need the two candidates, and their staffs, to go on Wipeout! No, McCain and Obama don't have to run the gauntlets, but it'd be great to see what their staffs are made of, all those high priced concept guys and gals running around in their high priced clothes that just have to cost more than $100 for each suit! Are they nuts! And the candidates would be commentators, so we could see and hear how they react to highs and lows and guys getting punched in the 'nads...

You can tell a lot about a person by the people with whom they surround themselves.

(yeow! what does that say about us?!)

In any event, this coming election doesn't really matter if you don't know someone in either party who can get you a job if that side wins. Politics is patronage. My advice? Don't stop your daily plodding and apply nuance lightly behind the ears and in your decolletage, them's what have'em.


Anonymous said...

Vote for me!

I promise never to smell like cod, because I hate fish.

Leonesse said...

Vote for me!

I promise to never smell like cod, because I hate fish and bathe.

vq said...

I like cod.

katrocket said...

I'm with you, Bert. Not only would a Wipeout Election be far more entertaining - I think it would get a lot more people to vote!