Sunday, August 03, 2008

The Night I was Tapped for Skull & Bones!

Everyone associates Skull & Bones with Yale. But unknown to the world at large, you can be attending ANY university or school of higher learning and get tapped!

It happened for me at BYU. Weird, huh? Ever since I'd first read about Skull & Bones in Doonesbury, I'd wondered if I'd ever be 'tapped.' At first I figured I'd immediately say, "In!" when tapped on the shoulder and asked, "In or out?"

But as the months and year passed, I began to think about it more dispassionately. Sure, it would be nice to be part of something way bigger than myself. But then it finally hit me, when you become part of something bigger than yourself, it owns you. But having already sold out to my testicles, I didn't want to be pulled apart by competing loyalties.

So by the time the 'tap' came, I was resolute and stalwart and I piped up loud and clear, "Out!"

Have I lived to regret it? No, because I keep some source of loud noise on constantly so I can't concentrate, much less even think straight. Which, of course, gives away the secret to my blogging abilities. But hey, if you can't violate yourself, who else is left?

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