Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Want What's Best For Me-ism

IWWBFM (pronounced: I-wib-fism) is the way of the world. We're all born wanting what we want and wanting it NOW!

"Maturity" is word we use to describe what we do to try to work around IWWBFM. It's all so patchworky, make shift and in constant flux, as we try to get us enough of us to work together to make whatever we're calling 'progress' at that moment.

It's a lot easier in a dictatorial society: whatever the leader wants is what society gets. But once that silly 'governance by the consent of the governed' stuff started, we all had the chance to get cranky-pantsed about how things are going.

Elections are the poster children of IWWBFM. For instance, because I consider myself an Uncompassionate Republican, I want McCain to pick Mitt Romney as his VP, win the election and then to resign in dishonor (of whatever kind) in February of 2009. Mitt can then select Joe Lieberman as his VP and America can go stomp on Russia and Iran and establish 200 years of cheap gas, global warming Pax Americana.

Now here's the thing: I recognize that my daydream ought not to be binding on the rest of the world. I shan't deluge the blogosphere with diatribes about how anyone who disagrees with me is "wrong." Because there is no such thing as a wrong opinion. Okay, yes, there are uninformed opinions, but having one isn't a sin! And since no one can know everything, all any of us have are not-fully-formed opinions!

What's going to count are votes! Especially the illegal ones! Come November, after all the sturm und drang of the Presidential race is over, we'll be on a new course of action. If statistics can be relied on, a third of us will be basically happy with the new order, a third will be bitterly opposed to the new order and a third won't care all that much. Doesn't matter who wins, these stats are probably going to be accurate!

So here's my advice... Chill out. If you must, politely state your preferences; tell me, in measured discourse, why I should change my mind, so that I will do what you think is best for you, instead of what I think is best for me. (Yeah, fat chance...)

And if you're really quixotic, go into detail about what a shit-head I am for not agreeing with you. But it will immediately label you as unrealistic and a despot. And I shan't favor you with an offer of Sperm. Well, if you're a guy, I wouldn't have anyway. After all, what straight guy gives a rat's ass what another guy thinks?

My name is Bert Laztheist Bananas and I approved this message.


paperback reader said...

When is the world going to stop making shirts for attractive women? That's what I want.

Anonymous said...

I think it all boils down to hardline communism. That's what this continent needs, a good dose of communist fear. Get us all back on the moon and making ICBMS again for the betterment of mankind and ladykind.

So whoever's for that, I'm voting for. Also, I'm not American so I can't vote (there). So nevermind. Vote for Obama then because at least he'll live a full term.

vq said...

We only have 200 years of gas left. What happens then?

Bert Bananas said...

See, Verb, that's an opinion about the future that you've chosen to act on right now. Which is fine.

My opinion is that we will soon drastically lower the population of the world and so gas supplies will be more than ample, for those countries which still have cars and paved roads... Not mention that there will come (my opinion) a time within the next 75 years when we'll find a source of energy so cheap and plentiful that it will be cheaper and safer than the water piped to your house.

I fully understand that those who don't share my optimism may be incapable of not 'fretting' about the future and mankind's destiny, and I don't mind at all.

Leonesse said...

I wish it were so simple as thirds. More like 1/4 and 1/4 then 1/2 who could care less and will just vote whatever lies they choose to believe.

Two party system, my ass.