Friday, August 29, 2008


There are definitely times when cheap is good. Like playing 'twilight golf.' There you are, the afternoon free, so you go the course and since it's after the start of 'twilight time' you get to play 18 holes for $12, walking. 75 cents a hole, people!! These bargains still exist! Talk about cheap!!

And then there's the other cheap. Like the dozen pens I got a Staples for just showing up with a coupon. 12 pens for free, and I was there going anyway! But how much is the aggravation worth in trying to get them to write?

And then the half-off printer toner that crapped out in less than a month, and the complimentary condom that broke and now I'm a dad again...

But then there's the 99¢ Store! They have Sangria Senorial, the two liter bottle, for 99¢! You can't get it for less than $1.79 at the regular Mexican stores! But then they balance it out with the 99¢ window washer fluid that looks just like Windex, but turns out to be just blue colored water.

The candidate who promises to create a Department of Honest Cheap Deals will get my vote.

(One thing worse than a cheap deal that turned out to be no good: an expensive deal that turned out to be no good.)

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