Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tomorrow is Friday the 31st !!!

Dyslexic people live in mortal fear of Friday the 31st.

Did you know that there are suffers of moral dyslexia? True! Have I ever steered you wrong?

Morally dyslexic golfers innocently say, "I hate a bogey," and are chagrined when reminded that they had a lost ball and took two strokes to get out of a green side trap. They aren't trying to cheat, they're just morally dyslexic.

Married men often suffer moral dyslexia. At least I think I've heard this is the case. Got an opinion? Or have you ever suffered from the innocence of moral dyslexia? Personally I'm shocked that this hasn't become a successful defense tactic in law suits. And it'd absolutely blow away the prosecution's case in a criminal trial, in instances where mens rhea is an element that has to be proven. (look it up, it'll do you good. While you're at it, look up wainscot...)


Nessa said...

I think Larry Craig is morally dyslexic.

paperback reader said...

I like it, and will unveil this bold new stratagem at my earliest possible convenience.

T said...

After I've eaten too much, I feel somewhat not guilty. So, should I keep on eating too much, or should I just taper-off to low-levels of gluttony?


I didn't mean to murder that guy, -I just meant to (l)lik him!