Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Useful life style advice from TV land

Lois, in The Family Guy, advices post-pubescent females to make themselves freely "available" to boys in their peer groups because you can never tell in advance who will grow up to be rich and famous.

I see no reason why women of all ages should not avail themselves of this advice, as long at they are making themselves available to men who can afford lottery tickets. And are actually buying them. Always ask to see the lottery tickets...


Nessa said...

Choosing just one man with the potential to be rich and famous is like playing the lottery.

paperback reader said...

Who knew that playing the lottery could pay off so well? Sadly, some of the effects of this plan won't be able to be "scratched off," even with a trained dermatologist and the best lasers in the business.

vq said...

Hi, old friend. I'm available, if we're talking Antonio's...

Bert Bananas said...

"Talking Antonio's..."

For the rest of you who must be imagining that it has something to do with a salacious, depraved, yet oddly innocent, activity, you'd be right. I'll post photos if the VQ and I actually get to do Antonio's.

Leonesse said...

Whoa, whoa, that might be too much information. I may not want to see pics of the two of you doing Antonio.

I hope you make sure he bought plenty of lottery tickets.