Wednesday, August 08, 2007

"Going Green"

Al Gore needs to expand on this theme.

Going Green should also mean that when you die, you 'husk' is disposed of without making a carbon footprint. No embalming. (Embalming fluid can't be good for plant life.) No cremating. No digging a grave with machinery. Etc.

Going Green should also mean that when you pee and/or poo, you should avoid leaving any more of a carbon (or methane) footprint than necessary.

Going Green needs to replace 'going dutch.'

There are probably more ways to turn 'Going Green' into further reductions in our cultural carbon footprint.

As a sidelight, I should like to point out that we could do a lot towards reducing our carbon footprint if we revive foot binding.


Nessa said...

I go green every time I look at my neighbors big beautiful Hemmy.

paperback reader said...

Green isn't so flattering a color to me. Can I go mauve instead?

Also, I never say "going Dutch," because someone's got to take a stance against their imperialist designs on reviving the Dutch East India Trading Company. Not on my watch, Holland!