Saturday, August 04, 2007

Celebrity Spokespeople

Some Hispanic baseball player has done erection pill endorsements, as has one-time presidential candidate Bob "the Big Boing" Dole. I had no trouble with The Big Boing fronting for the product, but I bet the Hispanics of the world were ashamed of the ballplayer for admitting he needed propping up.

I want to see celebrity endorsements for condoms... Both sexes. Charlie Sheen... Who could doubt his word on the subject? But I can see where the A-list actresses might shy away from this endorsement, but Kathy Griffin, now that she's single, could have some fun with it.

Preparation H would be a problem. But not insurmountable, given how much money they make per sale. It's almost all profit, I've heard. An older male comedian could get away with it, like Bill Cosby. Or they could purchase the use of some iconic dead personality. Like John Wayne or Elizabeth Taylor. Is she dead yet? Or one of the recent popes...

And wouldn't you totally buy Britney Spears as a spokesperson for a yeast infection cure? And even being a guy, I'd buy a douche on Paris Hilton's recommendation. And who could resist
Angela Jolie for AstroLube?


Nessa said...

You should work for an ad agency. You've got a knack for it.

paperback reader said...

I think Britney's past the yeast stage (and not only because she can't make us rise anymore), but I could see her doing Valtrex ads. I'd get the Jackass guys to do Prep H ads with the line, "Most people say I'm a pain in the ass..."

Bert Bananas said...

Ms. Nibble-dee-dee, when's the last time you were knacked up? I took my BA in Advertising & Public Relations. So it was totally expected that I would end up painting addresses on curbs, but with a certain flair.

Jeez, Sr. Pistolero, you should be paying me for the way I set you up.

Nessa said...

BB: Don't you be talking about my knackers!

Chris the Hippie said...

Geeze, did you see that cereal commercial that's on now? The one that's supposed to "make you regular?" The whole time the construction guy is standing there, touting the virtues of said cereal, iron beams are falling out of chutes in the background, loads of bricks are being dumped... Tastefully tactless. Tactfully tasteless? One of the two.

The Guv'ner said...

It always sort of grossed me out to the millionth degree to see fat old Don Zimmer (is it just me or does he look more like a pink Jabba the Hut every day?) sitting on his 'roids. And the first time Rafael Palmeiro appeared for Viagra I was like "WTF dude, your pee pee might be dormant but your balls are as big as China to admit this to the world, especially the macho sports world" So I can't figure why he lied about steroids...although it sure makes it clearer how he couldn't get his peener to stand to attention.

T said...

Rosie O'Donnel and gimp-balls for the oral cavity.

BTW: Word Verification - 'peefab'