Thursday, August 30, 2007

This hasn't happened in YEARS!

The F-bomb and I are not strangers. But in the past, oh, ten years it's dropping has been confined to golf courses and when I'm behind the wheel. But today I dropped the F-bomb at the office. I don't know if I was overheard. I felt badly, because the ladies in the office are all Mormon. Which raises the point that even if I was overheard, did they know what it meant?

But I would like to point out in my own defense that it was all my wife's fault. Mrs. Bananas called to ask if I'd down something I was supposed to do. I hadn't it, and in an effort to express my sincere chagrin, I opened the bomb bay doors and let the bomb fall. It was heedless of me and if you heard me, and were shocked or outraged, I apologize. Really I do...


Nessa said...

I thought I felt a ripple in the force.

paperback reader said...

You're never going to have the same measure of respect you did before, which is okay, because everyone's been calling you "don't go in the bathroom after that guy" for years now.

steakbellie said...

why build this bomb if you're never gonna use it!

Bert Bananas said...

I get your drift, Mr. Bellie (Are you related to Melvin Bellie?), but it's like the Air Force just dropped a A-bomb on Wichita Falls. Totally uncalled for...

T said...

Them girls whispered "it's about f-ing time he talked like a man!".

Leonesse said...

Watch it, Bert, you are now the 'bad boy' in the office. Their magic underwear are gonna start tingling. More the better if you are a bishop's son.