Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Luxury Crossover

Buick is marketing a vehicle with this label.

It gives men of lesser accomplishment something to shot for. I want to be your Luxury Crossover.

What do I mean? Well, obviously you who are tuned into my writings know there has to be a sexual component. Any true human being worth his or her reproductive paraphernalia has to admit that sex is a component in just about everything we do.

But as I always point out to pimps promoting their spring line, "Hey, sex isn't everything! You got any girls with a good short game?"

Becoming a Luxury Crossover means that I have to care about which fork is for the salad and which fork is for the aceitunas estilo tus nalgas. In other words I have to care, sincerely, about things that people who pretend they aren't sexual beings care about.

Right away I know you're asking yourself, "BB, why do you care about people who are into denying their sexuality?" Silly rabbit! Like the kids always say, 'tricks are for kids!' In other words, to get laid!

1 comment:

paperback reader said...

Plus, you were a Mormon once, so you understand their kind.

I like the idea of a Luxury Crossover, but I think women would want someone better versed in how the market is doing than the lyrics to Asia's "Heat of the Moment." Perhaps when they release a "Sometimes Slumming It For a Night Works Out Rather Well" model...