Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"...the odds are very high that the object of your derision is using you to increase his own feelings of self-worth."

I quote the above, from a writer of vast 'gravitas,' as a way to introduce a point that I feel is very important.

There are people in our lives whom we make fun of. Or we could make fun of them if we wanted to. It's all part of the "ladder" process. You can make fun of the people lower on the ladder than you, but what do you think the people higher than you are doing? Based on this, I tend to avoid easy laughter at the plights of others.

But consider someone on a different ladder. For instance, an Islamo-Fascist ladder. There you are, on your Judeo-Christian-Britney Spears ladder, and there's this guy, Al, on his Islamo-Fascist-death to all infidels ladder.

Most of us grew up only knowing people on our ladder. People on different rungs of the ladder sometimes had trouble getting along.

But with people on different ladders, communication and understanding becomes very difficult. I think I've mentioned Alfred Korzybski's efforts in this regard, his theory of 'maps' and 'territories.' Communication often seems to occur between people on different ladders, but it's not really communication like you and I mean it. (I can comfortably say this because I've received word that al Qaeda members in particular and Terrorist and Mujuhadeen in general are prohibited by Fatwah from reading this blog.)

All I'm saying is that trying to make an Islamo-Fascists feel bad is impossible. Leaving us with the preeminent problem of this and future generations: do we convert, let them kill us, or kill them?

Those who say there are other options should get their Santa Claus letters mailed out before Thanksgiving to make sure they get to Santa in time for him and the elves to work on your list.


paperback reader said...

If everyone converted to the same religion, we'd quickly find another reason to hate and kill each other. We'd set up a mosque in East Egg that would shame those new moneyed, low class West Eggers, and soon enough, we'd all be fighting over parallel lines that grow increasingly closer yet never touch because we won't allow them to.

That's what the math teacher told me when she got a restraining order against me, by the way.

The Guv'ner said...

I try to make life simplest by just ridiculing everyone at every level of power, any age, sex, race, sexual preference, species, level of health...equal opportunity ridicule. It means no one feels singled out. I consider it my gift to society.

Leonesse said...

What I feel badly about are all the Muslims that are normal, everyday citizens. I mean, the Protestants and Catholics were blowing each other up all the time, not long ago. Is that indicative of their religions? Well, yes, but i mean the everyday people. The ones who just want to practice their faith, raise their families, and have a good life. Those are the ones I feel sorry for. Ali the mechanic, Muhammed the doctor, Fatima the schoolteacher.