Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Gift that keeps on Giving

(I do not mean this as a slight to Mr. Pistolero's post with a similar name.)

I think of myself as a very reasonable person. I'm always willing to consider the other guy's side and I'm all for 'compromising' if both sides are actually doing so.

So here's the deal for Christmas: The first rifle, seen above, the Barrett Arms Model 107, is a semi-automatic .50 caliber weapon. The magazine holds ten rounds. If you put in the magazine and then work the bolt, take out the magazine and replace the missing 10th round, you'd be sitting there with 11 rounds in the gun! But I am a realist. I don't need 11 rounds of .50 calibre BMG at my disposal. (BMG stands for Browning Machine Gun.) And besides that, the retail cost (yes, you can actually purchase this!) is $8,050, plus shipping and handling.

Let us contrast and compare the M107 with this beauty, the Barrett Arms Model M468. This baby fires the Remington 6.8 SPC cartridge. That's 6.8 mm.

I know, what's the big deal? You're sitting there fondling your 9mm Beretta, humming a catchy R. Kelly tune, and thinking, hell, my 9mm will take on any sissy 6.8mm shooter.

No you won't. See, the 6.8mm bullet is housed in a .30 caliber casing, with the latest and greatest in propellant. And while it's a thinner round, it's longer and weighs in at close to what your 9mm bullet weighs. And it's going to arrive at it's target packing twice as much kinetic energy as your Beretta bullet. And your Beretta holds what, 13 bullets? The model M468 comes with 30 round magazines.

And here's what puts this over the top: the list price is $2,700!

Look out Al Qaeda, here comes Al Capyerass.


T said...

Charlton and I have tears of joy streaming down our face. -No, my tears are not drool too!

Leonesse said...

This is Porn for the Lion King.

...getting the bib out...

Bert Bananas said...

Always buy American.

paperback reader said...

But can you hold the M468 in a closet when the husband of the girl you've been cheating on your wife with comes home and still croon? And can you find a good rhyme for "Barrett Arms Model M468" that fits the meter of that slow jam?

And does it matter how many bullets you have if one well-placed one is all you need? I'm assuming here, of course, because the closest to a gun I've been prior to last weekend is numerous games of Nintendo's "Duck Hunt."