Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A photographic History of Time, Space & Matter

You know how when you're looking at a folder of photos in your 'pictures' section and they're way small so you can't really make out what it is sometimes? That was the case in this photo. There were two others of this same object.

So naturally, having no idea at that instance what it was, I decided to do a post about it. Makes perfect sense, right?

Once I was able to see this larger image I immediately remembered what it was. I photo'd this at a residence not my own. Although I've never had one of these, I'm betting that at least a third of you have.

Know what it is?


paperback reader said...

You've never had a college dorm room dresser with really crappy Mandarin symbols (the "t" looking thing means "seven") and "Pink Floyd Blows" written on it?

Bert Bananas said...

I am a Stranger from a LaGranger-land...

No, Pistolero, I never did. I had a dorm room for about five weeks. This was at the University of Utah. My dorm mate was a Mormon kid from Chicago who was rarely there. And when he was, he tortured me with stories of his antics at various Chicago whore houses. I never doubted that the stories were true, as I stored them away for future consideration, but I always figured that he was just repeating things he'd heard.

And back in those days proper young men didn't vandalize school property.

Why was I only in a dorm for five weeks? Because I joined a fraternity and moved into Animal House. Yes, THAT Animal House. They cut my role from the film.

T said...

That is the LAST time I let you into my home!

When Z was just a wee-Z, I decided to cut the leg off of his crib to scare the crap out of him. It worked unfortunately. He then got back at me by denigrating my beloved Pink Floyd. -He was a very smart lil' shit.

paperback reader said...

What was your catchy nickname, then, Bert? All the pledges had catchy, derogatory nicknames, and I like it when people share their shameful pasts because old wounds cut deeper than I can.

Nessa said...

I thought this was a box to hold all of Satan's demons.

Leonesse said...

Bert, I am afraid if one of my kids wrote Pink Floyd Blo... (can't even type it), they would have to find a new place to live.

They would be disowned and disgraced.

Bert Bananas said...

Pistolero, my frat nickname was Boopsie. Thanks for making me relive that particular shameful period of my live.

Leonesse, I don't know which of his three roommates, accumulated significant others, party-goers, etc., wrote that screed. Roby considers himself ultra cutting edge, with an emphasis on the small club scene.