The sentiment, "If only my wife was this dirty" is a common enough lament. You know, "I want a lady in public and a whore in the bedroom." (But I don't actually want to pay...)
So seeing this inscription was somewhat poignant and I grabbed the camera and excited some pixels from one state to another.
But what Big-T and I find especially evocative in this photo is the "GOLF" label on the hood. It's a zen kind of thing and mere mortals wouldn't understand. Where your brains remove "GOLF" from the equation as you 'interpret' this photo, it is writ large and it reverberates as we read it:
GOLF, if only my wife was this dirty.
It changes everything...
Bert, I thought your wife was much dirtier than that.
Give her a club and head to the bedroom.
Stop giving her that cleaning machine thing.
It actually says, "If only my Golf wife was this dirty," and since you and T must be each other's Golf Wives, it's ALREADY COME TRUE!
As your comment form won't ALLOW me to post my real response all I can say Mr. Bananas is check out my blog for it.
Bert, the Guv' knows, -SHE KNOWS!
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