Thursday, May 03, 2007

Wherein I play with my Food, because there was no one to pinch my ear lobe...

Pinching my ear lobe was my mom's favorite punishment. What E.R. doctor checks the ear lobes for signs of abuse? So I was quickly trained to not play with my food. Of course, like all of you, it was one of my heart's desires. While I had to sit and dolefully eat my crab cakes, I could only imagine the fun the rest of you were having with them... It turned my meals into gall and wormwood, figuratively speaking. It was only the Wednesday T-bone steak cookouts that gave me any relief: I was allowed to gnaw the bone (as in gnawledge, as in telling a woman I wanted to get to gnow her, so I could say I gnew her when...). Gnawing the Bone should have become part of the psycho-sexual vocabulary long ago, but alas, the phrase just never caught on.

So there I was last night, alone at dinner time, in Huntington Park, south and east of downtown Los Angeles. The town is 137% Latino, when you factor in the number of illegals aliens, or as they are referred to in the popular press, undocumented Americans of illegal heritage, which in verbal shorthand is Illegal-Americans.

I'd already hit the snooze button on my body's alarm clock a couple of times, because I was taking my time, looking for just the right place to stop and eat. I thought it would have been too outré to avail myself of Mexican food in the heart of a Mexican Barrio, so that limited me. Subway seemed to be an over-reaction in the other direction. Yoshinoya would have been okay as would have KFC. But I finally settled on King's Buffet, at Florence and Pacific. A Chinese run, all you can eat buffet featuring Asian food, with a bit of an emphasis on sushi. Plus it had the delightful added benefit of a Spanish-language tele-novela playing on multiple big screens, with nothing but Latinos in the place, of which the female portion's eyes were all glued to the closest flat screen. It was a weird bit of Americana.

Apparently Latinos don't tip all that well because my waitress wanted to come home with me when I tipped her 20%.

All I had was sushi, some fruit and three big glasses of Diet Coke™. And since I had time on my hands, along with all the food I could possibly eat, I took my time and played with my food. I kept looking over my shoulder... It's sad what a life time of conditioning does to a person's spontaneity.


Mary Lois said...

I hate to think of that defenseless little fish when you got through with it...don't tell me that plate looked like that after the playing occurred! If I were there your ear lobes would not be safe! Hmm...that sounds like what you're going for here.

Chris the Hippie said...

Art knows no bounds.

paperback reader said...

Yoshinoya is never "okay." It is always disgusting.

"Buffet" and "sushi" make poor bedfellows, as do "sushi" and "land-locked state."

I'd chastize you for being childish, but that would cut into my time picking my nose.

katrocket said...

The shrimp tail eyebrows are a really nice touch. It's all in the details...

Anonymous said...

is that your sushi or are you just happy to see me?

Bert Bananas said...

Spidey, I've got your California Roll somewhere here in my pocket...

Incognito said...

I'm impressed you had your camera with you.
Maybe you should think of a career as an artist. Oh, forgot you are one, of!

Nessa said...

Why is he bald?

Bert Bananas said...

Incognito, because digital cameras are so cheap, I always have one with me. And that's not counting my cell phone or PDA phones. And yes, I AM an artiste. I don't just slap the paint on the curb!

Ms. Nibbles, your comment reminds me of one of my favorite transcendental two word combinations: "snatched bald"

T said...

I do the same thing with Ding-Dongs and Ho-Hos, but there is another plate below.

Paula said...

Hi Bert, More stoopid tickle stuff!.....You really are Bananna's!!!
But I could not help noticing that there are no earlobes to pull....I think you have been scarred for life.