Friday, May 11, 2007

Wherein I find a reason to get "Turned On"!!

Not having been raised Catholic, I have no sense of reverence when it comes to Nuns. Looking at Nun-hood, or Nunnishment, in a logical manner, the primary focus would seem to be their "untapped" potentials. At least from a logical male point of view. And being both logical and point of viewish (you thought I was going to say "male" didn't you?) this must be my view.

So the mere thought of a Nun brings to mind, among others, Shirley McLaine in that movie with Clint Eastwood where she was in drag, posing as a Nun, in the old west. And I think I saw movie, or a clip, of Raquel Welch dressed as a nun. And perky little Sally Fields. Etc., etc.

So when I saw this sign, I got mildly excited. I was in a hurry at the time, so I'll have to get back to visit the "center" part of the establishment, in hopes that the convent girls are the ones 'manning' the center. (Manning the Center has a degree of sexual weight, n'cest pas?)


katrocket said...

"Sister Disciples of the Divine Master" sounds like a very awesome kung fu movie title.

T said...

Just have Liz wear one of those outfits...

Incognito said...

Wow. That's a long name. Actually sounds more like some new agey cult group.

Jana said...

One of my favorite movies - Two Mules for Sister Sara (Clint and Shirley). I could never decide if I favor the scene where she gets him with the right hook or in the end where he gets her in the bathtub...ahhhh westerns.
Meanwhile, I if you're just hoping for a sister with a ruler and a desire to dscipline you for being a BAD BOY!!!

Jana said...

Ummm sorry, fingers flying faster than brain...That last line is I wonder if you're just hoping...
sorry. Fumble fingers McGee, that's me.

paperback reader said...

Two Mules for Sister Sara changed my life, because I suddenly realized that Shirley McLaine used to be a strikingly attractive woman, and everything I thought I knew about the world changed.

But really, can't the Sisters get someone with a PR degree in there to shorten that title? Imagine asking one of them where they worked and getting a six-hour answer, and here you were just trying to be polite and make small talk.