Sunday, May 13, 2007

This is why I'm determined to remain a human!

Well, it's just an example of a basic attraction...

Bono, the U-2 singer and love child of Sunny Bono, was with his group, in concert, in Scotland. As is his wont lately, he took a stab at raising the consciousness of his audience. Things were going raucously rock 'n rollish, the crowd was wild and exuberant. And suddenly Bono called for quiet. In fact, he called for silence. He hushed and he hushed and he quieted the crowd down.

When it was silent he stepped to the edge of the stage and stood there, unmoving, for a couple of seconds. Every eye was riveted on him. Then he lifted both arms in front of him and clapped. He let three seconds pass and then he gave another somber clap. He did this twice more over the next nine seconds. And then to accompany this somber clapping he announced, "Did you know that every time I clap my hands, a baby dies in Africa?"

To which an alcohol befuddled Scotsman responded with remarkable sharpness of mind and purpose, "Well, stop yer fooken clappin' then!"

I have it on good authority that this really happened. What I don't have is any report of what Bono did at that point or what all of this did for the consciousness of the audience.


paperback reader said...

What I will never understand: how writing mediocre pop songs about girls somehow turned Bono into the world's leading authority in How To Save Everything In The World Via $100 Million Concert Spectacle Events.

Paula said...

(Patient)"Dr Dr, everytime I do this (insert an action), it hurts"
(Dr) Well don't do it then.

Boom Boom

T said...

So did he (Bonohead) want everyone to stop clapping so he alone could be the barometer of death in Africa?

I'm with PAD. Take that cool $100 mil and buy-off those evil machine gun carrying dictators in Africa. Then he can hold an anti-clapathon for AIDS in the great lion-infested desert.

Nessa said...

Well, duh...I just love it when people you spend good money on to entertain you feel they have the right to force their views on you during the time they should be entertaining you.

Incognito said...

Was reading somewhere that some head guy somewhere in Africa thinks he can cure aids on Thursdays. Granted, I didn't read the whole thing but....